So, as you can probably tell by the title, I’m going on hiatus.
Hiatus (hahy-ey-tuh s): 1.
a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
Before you panic!
This is not permanent. I love blogging and have enough inspiration for three months of posts. I would actually like to blog MORE. But I don’t have time.
It’s really hard for me to do this, because I enjoy blogging so much, but with school and everything it’s hard to make time for a blog post every week AND continue writing. (Not to mention I’m deep-cleaning my room, which is incredibly time-consuming. #yay)
The real reason I’m taking a temporary break is to edit my Snow White retelling for the Rooglewood Press contest. I’d like to devote the rest of September and maybe even some of October to fixing my baby.
This doesn’t mean I’m not going to post at all, it just means I probably won’t post as regularly until October! Actually you’ll probably get a post next week, because there’s one almost written that I was going to do today but got tired of. *cackles*
I’ll probably still be somewhat active on Goodreads, and I’ll definitely respond to all comments. (:
Thank you all for supporting me, reading my blog, and bearing with me as I take a short break!
P.S. I’m shamefully behind on commenting on all your lovely blogs – I’ll try to get caught up soon. (:
Gray Marie
Have a good break! And have a blessed rest of the month. <3
Zane Jones
Thank you, Gray! (: