I did have a regular post planned for today, and I was going to get up early and finish it… but then my dad came into my room and told me it was snowing. And sticking. I looked out my window and there was snow covering the ground!
It’s crazy how early we got snow this year. Snow is rare here, and even though it was probably less than an inch we all got so excited about it! Maybe it’s silly, but we live in the South, y’all, where temperatures sometimes reach 60-70 degrees around Christmas. xP
So, yeah, instead of attending to my blog and the music that desperately needed to be practiced for church tomorrow, I played in the snow. I have no regrets. It was all nearly melted by the time we finished breakfast, but we made a snowman and snow ice cream and snowballs. (:
Also, on a different note, I may not be able to post much this month. I have a lot of schoolwork, and I have a deadline for my Rooglewood Press retelling, and obviously Christmas is this month. I’m SO BEHIND on gifts! But I’ll be back soon, I promise. You can’t get rid of me that easily. xD
P.S. For those of you reading this post since I’ve updated it… I promise I’m not begging you to follow me, it’s just that Bloglovin’ requires me to post that to “claim” my blog… xP Bloglovin’ is obnoxious. Just sayin’.
Faith Potts
Pretty!! ? We’ve got tons of snow on the ground right now – so much that church was cancelled this morning!!
Zane Jones
Wow, there must have been a lot! (Well, if it was us… one or two inches and some ice might have cancelled everything xD)
Florid Sword
It’s so pretty!!! We got six inches of snow last night with more on the way. So exciting!
Zane Jones
Oh, six inches?? That must be so fun!! Hope y’all enjoy it!
Yay for snow! I’ve actually never made a snowman so this is precious. There is something so whimsical and magical about snow around Christmastime. Love it! 🙂
Zane Jones
Aww, you’ve never made a snowman?? It’s so much fun. And you’re right, snow is absolutely magical! <33 Thank you for your lovely comment!