
Beautiful People // Parental Edition

^This picture has nothing whatsoever to do with the post ^

This is a link-up/meme/thing hosted by Paper Fury and Further Up and Further In. I rephrased the questions so it was more of an interview format (I hope that’s okay?), but you can see the original questions here.

I’ll be doing it with two of my characters from my WIP Project Supernova. The main characters are:

Ryker Kane. He’s fourteen years old, goes a high school that I haven’t named yet, and has a mostly normal life. He’s an average size, with dark brown hair, probably blue eyes, and pale skin. The features that stand out the most are the scars on his left cheek from the surgery after a car accident. He lives with his older brother Luke and has a fear of riding in cars.

Katie Bird. She’s fourteen and goes to the same school as Ryker. She’s smallish for her age, has long, golden-brown hair, brown eyes, and a prosthetic leg. Even though she’s very extroverted and loves people, she’s somewhat shunned by her classmates because of her leg and her standoffishness. She has a secret that I can’t tell you and lives with her foster parents Dirk and Chryse.

  1. Overall, how good is your relationship with your parents?


They were killed in a car accident when I was eight. They were the best. *looks away*


My parents have fostered me for over two years now. They’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and they’re trying to adopt me.

2. Do you know both your biological parents? If not, how do you cope with this loss/absence and how has it affected your life?


Wow, nosy. I guess I have to answer it, so… after my parents… died… in the car accident, I just kept going. I buried myself in schoolwork. My brother, Luke, took me in. He was barely eighteen and I figure it was pretty hard on him, but I didn’t notice. I was eight, and he always tried to look on the bright side, for me, I guess.


I never met my dad. My mom kept me until I was five or six years old, and then she got arrested. I was put in foster care and was shuffled around through different homes until I was about twelve years old, and that’s when I met Chryse and Dirk.

3. How did your parents meet?


They met in college, dated for a few years, and got married.


Are we talking biological or foster here? If we’re talking about biological, I don’t know, and honestly don’t want to. My foster parents grew up together and fell in love when they were teenagers.

4. How did you feel if you were told “you’re turning out like your parent(s)”?


My parents were good people. *scowls fiercely and refuses to elaborate*


I didn’t know my biological dad, but it wouldn’t be a compliment if someone compared me to my mom.

5. What were your parents doing when they were your age?


Going to school?


I don’t know and I don’t want to.

6. Is there something you adamantly disagree on?


We never disagreed, that I remember.


*huffs* I haven’t seen her since I was five or six.

7. What did your parents find hardest about raising you?


Ummm… weird question. I was a pretty quiet kid. I never really caused any trouble.


Ha ha! My biological mom never “raised” me. She was mostly… not there. I was kind of troublesome the first few years I was in foster care, so my foster parents probably didn’t find me easy to raise.

8. What’s your most vivid memory with your parental figure(s)?


Honestly the most vivid would have to be the car wreck. Everything before that is kind of a blur now. I do remember, when I was about four and Luke was fourteen, us all gathered around Dad, listening to him read The Horse and His Boy aloud.


Something that she did a lot was leave me in a library and tell me to sit quietly and look at the books until she got back. I didn’t know how to read, so I just looked at the pictures. She always came back, until one day she didn’t. I sat and looked until it was time for the library to close. The librarians called the police and they couldn’t find my mom. I was put in a foster home after that.

9. What were you like as a baby/toddler?


Mom and Dad told me I was a good baby, that I was quiet and kept to myself. I was the same as a toddler, I guess.


I don’t know, but probably trouble.

10. Why and how did your parents choose your name?


My full name is Ryker Theodore Kane. Ryker was the one name my mom and dad could agree on, because it’s popular but not too popular. Theodore is because of my dad. His personal hero was Teddy Roosevelt.


My full name is Katherine Aline Bird, but I go by Katie. Katherine was a family name, I think. My birth mom probably just thought Aline sounded romantic.

Well, that was fun! Thanks for reading! If you have any questions please comment below : )

I'm Zane Jones, a young creative trying to figure life out. I make messes and sometimes art.


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