• Life,  Writing

    Writing updates + the beach + polaroid pictures

    Hello, people. A few items of business to bring us up-to-date: we went to the beach! I’m still alive, I promise. I’m still a writer even if it doesn’t seem like it.   Okay let me be honest here. Writing has not been coming easily. in fact, I haven’t written anything fictional besides the (very very) occasional flash fiction. it’s been hard. I don’t know why I haven’t been able to write. I thought I had gotten over my burnout, but I guess I didn’t. I’m still struggling with it. I’ve been writing more, though. I’m writing a story in a notebook for the first time in a long time,…

  • Writing

    introducing SNOWSTRIKE // in which I finally talk about my novella!!

    So hi, it’s me, and I’M TALKING ABOUT MY NOVELLA.   *shock all around*   I wrote a novella for the Rooglewood Press Snow White contest and I have been positively DYING* to tell you about it for months and months and yet I am only doing it now after the contest is over because #reasons. I have possibly never been so much in love with an idea and I have certainly never WANTED to tell it to somebody.   *YES WE ARE BEING DRAMATIC. I’m excited, okay??   See, if there’s a “secretive writer” stereotype, I BASICALLY AM THAT STEREOTYPE. I don’t tell anyone about anything until it’s all…

  • Blogging,  Life,  Writing

    2018 GOALS

    I’m sorry I’m so bad at introducing my blog posts. I promise, I am the worst at blog post introductions. One year, and I STILL haven’t gotten the hang of it.   Let’s try that again.   *swoops in with dark chocolate* HAPPY SATURDAY! Can you believe it’s almost the end of January?*   *it’s possibly even MORE unbelievable that I am JUST NOW posting my 2018 goals. #win   Since I am so awkward at blog post introductions, why don’t we just begin. writing  finish a novel. I’ve never, ever completed a full-length novel (middle grade, YA, or otherwise), and this is something I really want to do this…

  • Blogging,  Life,  Writing

    MERRY CHRISTMAS + a guest post!

    Hello folks! Can you believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve? Goodness, I still haven’t adjusted to the fact that autumn is basically over. WHAT HAPPENED? It really is true that time speeds up as you get older.   I could write a post on recommended Christmas reading, or the true meaning of Christmas, or how to avoid stress during the holidays, but the truth is I’m pretty stressed these days myself. I’m hoping that everything will calm down a bit during January, and I’ll be able to get back to regular blogging. I really miss this place, and I know I haven’t been as active as I’d like. As for…

  • Writing

    L e a k | flash fiction

    Ho, wayfarers! It’s September. I can’t even believe that it’s not June anymore and it’s September already… Everything is going so quickly. So, if you couldn’t tell by the title…   I’m finally going to do it.   I’m posting my writing online.   *hides*   Yeah… I don’t really do the whole sharing-my-writing-with-other-people thing? I’ve gotten better about it, but this is a serious stretch for me to even be willing to post this.   You’re welcome. ; )   So, the story behind this is: I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump all month. BUT, when we were watching a cartoon movie one night, there was…

  • Writing

    Beautiful People #27 | August Edition

    Hello, all you lovely people! Guess what time it is. It’s time for Beautiful People again! *cheers* I am once more participating in the link-up hosted by Cait at Paperfury and Sky at Further Up and Further In. Hopefully it will help me break out of the writer’s block I’ve been having this month… writer’s block combined with “do-I-really-have-time-to-write-this-story-and-is-it-even-worth-my-time” block. YES, THAT IS A THING. (That I just made up. Shhh.) I will be doing this with one of my favorite characters (shhh don’t tell my other children) Katie Aline. She’s one of the main characters in my current novel and you can read more about her here. Here’s a brief bio:…

  • Writing

    Horrendous stories I wrote as a child + what I learned from them

      Hello lovely people! Today I’m doing a tag created by Abbiee. I saw it on her blog around a month ago and knew I had to do it. And then I was tagged by Amanda at SKG Fun (an amazing blog),  so here I am. Thanks, Amanda! Now, before I begin, let’s note that I didn’t finish every one of these stories, because I was a scatterbrained young writer who abandoned things she got bored with in favor of new, shiny, glorious ideas. HAHAHA WHO AM I KIDDING. I still am that scatterbrained young writer. I also don’t actually have real titles for most of these. The files were…

  • Books,  Writing

    Andora’s Folly Blog Tour! // Q+A vlog

      I am thrilled to be participating in Abigayle Claire’s blog tour for her latest release, Andora’s Folly! I had the pleasure of beta reading for her, which was an amazing experience. I was able to ask Abigayle a few questions, which she answered in a vlog that you can view below. But first, a few details about the book! SYNOPSIS A Pandora’s Box retelling Andora is a beautiful young woman with insatiable curiosity. Raised in splendor, she is spoiled by her privileged life. When a love letter is slid under her door, her life takes a drastically unromantic turn. Nothing makes sense—her arranged marriage, the gifts her parents bestow…

  • Writing

    I won camp nano: one last update + things to come

    As you all can probably tell from the title, I WON CAMP NANOWRIMO!!!!! *screams* We are the champions, my friends… I won’t be doing a day-by-day update because 1), I don’t feel like it, and 2), I don’t feel like it. So I’ll just give you my lovely stats… I managed to stay on track and meet my goal almost every day, finishing with a total of 16,057. 57 words more than my goal, yay! ; ) Sadly, I’m… not… done. Because of my extreme ramblingness (yes, I just made that word up), I didn’t exactly finish. But I’m close! I’m so, so close to being done with my (positively…

  • Writing

    camp nano update // week three + an announcement

    Week Three of Camp Nano (and July) is over! Can y’all believe it? It’s crazy to me that July is almost over and we’ll be starting school again. I am not completely enthusiastic about that… I mean, summer! I’m not ready for it to be over. But when I see the new school books I can’t help but be a little bit excited. Anyhow, I’m here to bring you this week’s writing update, not to ramble on and on about summer. Saturday, July 15: This was kind of a crazy day because we had a birthday party and I had a blog post due… which didn’t get published until Sunday…