
camp nano update // week three + an announcement

Week Three of Camp Nano (and July) is over! Can y’all believe it?

It’s crazy to me that July is almost over and we’ll be starting school again. I am not completely enthusiastic about that… I mean, summer! I’m not ready for it to be over. But when I see the new school books I can’t help but be a little bit excited.

Anyhow, I’m here to bring you this week’s writing update, not to ramble on and on about summer.

Saturday, July 15: This was kind of a crazy day because we had a birthday party and I had a blog post due… which didn’t get published until Sunday because I couldn’t get a picture for the featured image and because #reasons. I ended up writing 530 words.

Sunday, July 16: 687 words written. Yet another crazy writing day because we had church for the first half of the day, and a church meeting in the evening. Of course, I also had to get my blog post published and my words written. Ahem… I absolutely was not trying to write during the church meeting…

Monday, July 17: We were at my grandmother’s house all day, and somehow I managed to get 601 words.

Tuesday, July 18: We had friends over, so we cleaned all morning. It was really fun to see Olivia again – she lives so far away! Also, my good friend Emma was over, who I see multiple times a week (usually). 😀 I managed 634 words.

Wednesday, July 19: Oh… haha. This was an interesting day. I was going to try to write 1k words, but… heh. The best laid schemes of mice and men. So, my mom and I went and helped clean someone’s house in the morning. Then, I really wanted to get a blog post up, so I wrote the whole thing and got it published – but by that time it was time to leave to see a baseball game with our youth group. So I wrote 607 words in the car. Not exactly 1k, but I’ll take it…

Thursday, July 20: I thought we had nothing to do Thursday, so since my 1k attempt on Wednesday failed, I was going to try again. (My highest word count in a day has been around 800.) Something unexpected came up, and we were gone until around two in the afternoon. Then, right after that, our friends invited us out on their boat, which was really fun. We were out until almost ten, got home around ten thirty, and then we all had to get showers. I did get 484 words in the car.

Friday, July 21: 503 words. I procrastinated all day and finally made myself write.

So, yeah. Kind of a crazy week.

The Announcement

Guys… I’ve been blogging for seven months exactly. I started out with only a few people I knew following my blog, and now I have 16 subscribers, ten of which I don’t know in real life.

That’s crazy!

Thank you all so much for commenting and following. Every time someone comments or subscribes it means a lot to me! [Translate: I have a squealing fit.]

And by the way, internet friends are totally real things. <33

Lots of love to all of you awesome people!


I'm Zane Jones, a young creative trying to figure life out. I make messes and sometimes art.


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