Blogging,  Life,  Writing

MERRY CHRISTMAS + a guest post!

Hello folks! Can you believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve? Goodness, I still haven’t adjusted to the fact that autumn is basically over. WHAT HAPPENED? It really is true that time speeds up as you get older.


I could write a post on recommended Christmas reading, or the true meaning of Christmas, or how to avoid stress during the holidays, but the truth is I’m pretty stressed these days myself. I’m hoping that everything will calm down a bit during January, and I’ll be able to get back to regular blogging. I really miss this place, and I know I haven’t been as active as I’d like. As for Christmas reading, I honestly haven’t read many Christmas books at all. I’m hoping to read through some of Luke tonight or tomorrow, and maybe a couple of other favorite Christmas stories stories.


Well, it’s Christmas, and I know I don’t have time to read long blog posts, so I’m cutting this short (although I could ramble for hours, if I had the time). I’ll direct you over to my good friend Joah’s website where I did a guest post (my first!!) about advice for beginning writers. If you’re interested, pop over and check it out! He has a fantastic website; he and his siblings make short films and write stories. I recommend glancing around while you’re there (:


As I very likely won’t post until the new year at least, I’ll wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Farewell for now! Hopefully you’ll be seeing a lot more of me in 2018. (: I’m off to finish Christmas presents!



I'm Zane Jones, a young creative trying to figure life out. I make messes and sometimes art.


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