
A Library Haul//What I’ve Been Reading

It totally hasn’t been over a week since I posted. You’re imagining it. Forget what you were thinking and certainly don’t scroll down to look at my previous post.

Oh, never mind.

Yes, I haven’t posted for eleven days. Sorry. Kind of.

The library might just be my favorite place… because where else would you get beauties like these (to follow)? Sarcastic reader: The bookstore, Zane. And I am totally not stealing an idea from Olivia. *Cough cough.

A random fact: I can literally feel my heart pounding faster when I come into a library and know I can check out as many as fifty beautiful stories. Although I usually stick with something more moderate like 15. Or 20.

And now it’s time for: Zane talking about the ones she’s read and hasn’t read and is looking forward to reading!… because I know y’all really want to read that! (Kidding… I’m kidding… But I really am going to ramble on about my books.)

First, my for-fun reads.

Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son, by Lois Lowry. Ever since I read The Giver (which, by the way, was so fantastic that I cried), I’ve wanted to read the sequels.

Unfortunately, when I read Gathering Blue I was very disappointed. It’s not set in Jonas’s world, it’s not continuing his story (which I knew from the back of the book), and I didn’t really connect with the characters like I connected with Jonas.

I still want to read Messenger and Son, though. Because Gathering Blue ended on a unresolved note and I need to know what happens. To Jonas mainly. Because I didn’t really care about what’s her name. *Looks on Goodreads. Kira.

Also, does it bother anyone else that those covers don’t match? It totally bothers me…

I took out a few of the Whatever After series. Not the best fairy tale retelling series, and there are some things I don’t like about them, but y’all. I’m a sucker for fairy tales. Seriously.

I haven’t read any of these yet, but at least their covers match.

I got about three other for-fun books, and if I read them reviews on this blog/Goodreads will probably follow.

Then, of course I had to get some writing research(ish) books! Most of them are stories set in the time period I’m writing about, but then I got some serious factual ones as well. Some of the stories pictured here.


I’m currently reading:

Pie, by Sarah Weeks. Reading it for the second time, and honestly unimpressed. It’s quite dull. It’s one of my “research” reads, and I’m just… bored…

Emma, by Jane Austen. I’m having a hard time getting into it and every single character is annoying. Except for Mr. Knightley. I also have the ugliest cover ever. (That isn’t it.) Pride and Prejudice, people. Pride and Prejudice.

Yes, I really-and-truly am reading How to Outrun a Crocodile When Your Shoes Are Untied, by Jess Keating. I only picked it up because we were in the car and I forgot to bring a book.

It has the wrong title entirely. It should be called: Middle School Drama, Family Drama, Mean Kids, and Many Other Problems. And – it’s written for twelve year olds. Sad. I’m glad I didn’t go to public middle school. The only reason I’m not giving up on it is so I can give it a critical review. Yes, I am a very mean person.

 Is Emma boring to other people or is it just me? Do you have any thoughts on these books?

Hope everyone has a great week!




I'm Zane Jones, a young creative trying to figure life out. I make messes and sometimes art.


  • Joah

    Hmmm… Well, I haven’t read Emma. I saw the old BBC movie. It was like 6 hours long soooo… Yeah. I liked it probably as much as an Jane Austin movie I’ve seen. I actually don’t remember a lot of them because I watched some of them like 5 years ago. The most recent one I’ve seen is the newest Pride and Prejudice. I haven’t read any of them.

    • Zane Jones

      Pride and Prejudice is definitely my favorite Jane Austen book, but Sense and Sensibility is my favorite JA movie. I’d like to see Emma when I’m done reading the book.

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