Hello friends! Recently, Emma (one of my closest friends) and I were at Stone Mountain together. We both had cameras, and enlisted my brother to do a mini-photoshoot for us. We got a few photos together, so Emma was inspired by this post to do a Q+A post. In the past week we’ve pulled this together – hopefully it will be enjoyable! There will be a mix of selfies, photos from Stone Mountain, and photos from when we were little. It also so happens that Monday was my blog anniversary, so this is as close as I’m getting to a blogiversary post. How have I been blogging for…
Liebster Award 2018 (2x!)
I was tagged to do this twice, by Victoria the first time and Anna the second time (both lovely bloggers!) towards the beginning/middle of the year and I’m just now getting around to doing it. Shame on me. At least I’m doing it before the end of the year this time.
As usual I’m not following the rules, so I won’t even repost them. You can find them here if needed. The way I’m going to do this is pick six of the questions that each blogger asked me, because when I tried doing all of them the post was just too long. Anna’s questions 1.Describe yourself (as if…
Photos with the Minolta X-700
Hey guys! I mentioned in this post that I was getting some pictures developed from an old film camera. They finally came back! A lot of them didn’t turn out well, mostly from user error since I’ve never used a film camera before. Some of them also have red spots on them because the film I used was probably 10+ years old. Anyway, here are some of my favorites. Aaaand, that’s all for today folks. They’re not that great, but hopefully I’ll get better with practice. I just ordered some new film, so hopefully I can take some more photos soon. (:
On a summer evening in July.
This is how it feels on a humid summer day, the fourth of July, when everyone’s waiting for the fireworks to go off and everything is chaos. We always sit on the outskirts of where everyone is, so some of the parents take the older kids through the square – there’s a big line of us trailing along, and I’m never quite sure if we have everybody or if somebody got lost in the crowd of people. Everything is exciting here. There’s a band playing live music, and I see myself on the big screens. You can hardly see the concrete for the people and their possessions – blankets and…
*all images mine* So I’ve been searching and searching for a Beach Boys record, because I LOVE the Beach Boys, and I finally found one and have been listening to it dozens of times. It’s really scratched up but I don’t mind. It’s called “All Summer Long” and is making me crave summer. IT’S SO CLOSE (yet so far away :P). Also there’s this epic track on there with their recording mess-ups and goofing off – it’s just plain funny! I just listen to it and crack up… Maybe I’ll record it for y’all so you can hear it. BUT ANYYYWAY. The whole Beach Boys record thing has put me…