June was kind of a strange month. I had a lot of plans, but some of them didn’t happen due to unforeseen illness – almost all month. And some of us still have it… So basically, we’ve hardly gone anywhere for three weeks. *sighs* I had a bunch of spare time at home until I got sick, so I was extremely productive for two weeks or so, and then I didn’t quite feel like it. Luckily I’m feeling better now, and hopefully back to my normal, productive self. You should see my to-do-list for today. I ran out of room. 😉 Anyway, I’m not in the mood to do an ordinary recap today…
May // Recap
Life How do I even start? Well… I did the #walk30days challenge for the first time ever. It was really fun and here are some photos I took. Warning: major photo bomb ahead. Summer break began! Solid Rock ended. We went to Colonial Williamsburg for my birthday and it was amazing. We left late Saturday night (or Sunday morning? It was 12 am), got there Sunday and came home on Wednesday. I was going to put some photos in this post, but there were so many pictures and so many stories I want to tell, so it’ll have to be a separate post. Our youth pastor and his family moved to Pennsylvania to pastor a…
April // Recap
Life… Various things that happened this month, not in any order because I am a scatterbrained person: softball, softball, softball! (for my brother, not me ;D although I am Team Mom) kept our friends’ cute kittens 🙂 I turned fifteen. Yikes… got baby chicks!!! They are the most adorable things. We got six total and their names are Sally, Hazel Rose, Priscilla, Trixie, and Attila the Hen. In case you’re wondering about the sixth, her name was Hazel (the first) and she died on us unexpectedly. 🙁 Sally (above) and Hazel Rose (below) finished school!!!! Mostly, at least… we have a bit of catchup to do. had a piano recital. I…
Goodbye March // Monthly Recap
April is here and so is spring! It’s boiling, roasting, scalding, scorching hot outside right now. Which is why I’m quite glad I’m in the nice cool basement right now… (Mom said it wasn’t that hot, but it was pretty hot to me. I like air conditioning. It’s still too hot for April.) March flew by (but when doesn’t it?). It was a pretty normal month of school, writing, etc. Highlights One of our oldest chickens was killed by a hawk. Our power went out briefly after a storm and we sat around the table and drank drinkable yogurt. (Was that redundant? Probably.) Small group (with our church) started. My…
February Recap
Hi guys! I’m doing my first monthly wrap-up post, and hopefully this will continue each month. And look, I’m only three days late! GENERAL These aren’t exactly in order. I couldn’t even remember everything that happened this month, so I looked back at my pictures. My memory… 😀 Everything was a little crazy, as usual. School. Church. Normal stuff. We had our Homeschool Valentine’s Party! Organized by Mom. Went to the Chik-Fil-A Daddy Daughter Date Night. It was really nice. Field trip to Old Salem. Went ice skating with friends. The softball season started! (We haven’t had any games, just practices. And Justus is playing, not me. Thank goodness.) I know I’m…