
school is out // summer things

^^ That picture was ridiculously hard to take and I have so many blooper photos ^^

I borrowed this idea from Katie Grace, who borrowed it from Aimee. ๐Ÿ™‚

Summer is short, and I don’t want to waste it.

Therefore, I am compiling a list. It is by no means an exhaustive list. There is no such thing as an exhaustive list. It’s a list of things I want to do this summer, and I will start…


I would like to:

1. Teach myself to play the ukulele.

I’ve already learned a few chords, but I’m hoping to get decent at it.

2. Chocolate.

I’m hoping to chocolate and ice cream a lot this summer. Chocolate and ice cream are totally verbs.

3. Play the pianoย more for fun.

The fun part of this must be emphasized, because with church/recitals/regular pieces I haven’t really been able to play around with the songs I actually enjoy playing.

4. Write.

I’m not going to set any specific goals, although it would be nice to finish Project Supernova.

5. Dance.

With my friends. English Country Dancing, preferably, though 50s dancing is acceptable.

6. Keep on walking daily?

This one’s kind of tentative, but now Gracie-dog has gotten into a routine. If I don’t walk her, she might be depressed. I don’t like depressed dogs. This has nothing to do with the fact that I like walking.

7. Read all of the books.

All of them. ALL OF THEM. To be honest, I have no planned summer reading list, but I have a ginormous pile of to-be-read books and three libraries at my disposal.

8. Start reading through the Bible.

The other day I just realized, Hey. I haven’t read the entire Bible. I mean, I’ve read most of it, but not all. I’ve heard there are some plans that help you read through the Bible in a year, so maybe I should check those out? *adds to mental to-do list* *promptly forgets* *writes on hand instead* Hey, maybe I should add “Remembering Things” to this list…

9. Blog.

This will probably happen sometime this summer.

10. Try to get to bed on time and not eat too much junk.

Which contradicts no. 2… But honestly, I’ve been feeling icky these past few days and it’s probably because I’ve been staying up late, not getting up early, and eating a ton of junk food. I’d kind of like to remedy that.

11. Work on my poor neglected German.

Neglected is the only word to describe it. I got out of the habit of doing Duolingo each night before bed and I really need to get back into it again.

12. Remember things better.

‘Nuff said.

13. Not spend too much time on the computer.

I’m going to try to stick to just blogging, research, writing, stuff like that…

Thus, I will end with an “unlucky” number thirteen. Hee hee. There are probably at least five more that I forgot.

What are y’all doing this summer?








I'm Zane Jones, a young creative trying to figure life out. I make messes and sometimes art.


  • Emma Grace

    I would love to see the blooper photos of Gracie! ๐Ÿ˜€
    That is a great list! I have been trying to come up with something along those lines for myself. We’ll see how that goes…

    Ice cream is totally a verb! I need to go do that now actually… ;P Also, we SO need to ECD more!!! We haven’t done that much lately. ๐Ÿ™

    By the way, I love your blog! And I hope this wasn’t an extremely long comment…

    • Zane Jones

      I will probably be putting some blooper photos in my May recap! (along with Williamsburg and #walk30days photos. It’s going to be a very photo heavy post.)

      You should make a list! It’s super fun. And yes, we need to ECD more… I really want to try The Ragg. Maybe next time we see y’all.

  • Emma Grace

    I can’t wait to see them! Grace is so cute. I like photo heavy posts! I can’t wait to see pictures from your trip!

    I have been doing a bullet journal type thing and it has helped me a lot! So that kinda counts as a list I guess.

    Yes, we need to teach you “The Ragg”. It is SO fun! *starts humming the tune of the dance* ๐Ÿ™‚

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