I was tagged to do this twice, by Victoria the first time and Anna the second time (both lovely bloggers!) towards the beginning/middle of the year and I’m just now getting around to doing it. Shame on me. At least I’m doing it before the end of the year this time. π
As usual I’m not following the rules, so I won’t even repost them. You can find them here if needed. The way I’m going to do this is pick six of the questions that each blogger asked me, because when I tried doing all of them the post was just too long.
1.Describe yourself (as if you’re a story character) in three words.
Quirky, introverted teenager.Β
2. Tell the most awkward story of you meeting someone new. Oh man… there are plenty, but now I can’t remember any of them. One thing that happened very recently was this: I was at an ice-skating rink, and I ran smack into this random dude. Apparently it looked like I was hugging him (according to all the helpful bystanders, ahem, my brother). I didn’t technically meet him, though.
3. Favorite writing/reading snack?
Chocolate, of course. π I also like nuts and raisins, yogurt, and things that aren’t healthy….Β
4. What authors are you looking forward to meeting in heaven? How would you introduce yourself?
Eh, I’ve never thought about it, but definitely, C.S. Lewis comes to my mind.
5. How many inches thick is the thickest book spine on your bookshelf?
So I glanced when I was upstairs… I would say 2-3 inches? Not very thick.
6. Pens or pencils?
I almost always use pens for writing, but I like pencils for doodling.
1. What is your favorite time period for books to be set in?
I’m assuming you’re talking about historical and not including contemporary. That’s tough! I love so many different periods. Regency is nice. Vintage, like 1900-1960s, is always fun. I have a soft spot for 1880s-1900. I love the 1860s. Oh and the 18th century too. I’ll sometimes go earlier – I occasionally like biblical fiction, and I love Rosemary Sutcliff although I’m not sure what time period that is…Β
I think my top favorite would be around 1880-1900. Two of my favorite authors wrote then – Lucy Maud Montgomery and and Maud Hart Lovelace.Β
2. Favorite pastor/preacher?Β
I love my pastor of the church I go to. I also love John Piper.
3. What do you think about Van Gogh’s paintings? (Just curious, I’ve heard differing opinions about them.)
I don’t know, I think they’re kind of nice. I really like the rough, brushy feel to them.

Something where I can work from home and do creative stuff. I’m not even sure yet – I have so many interests and I don’t know how to pick just one career.
6. Favorite name?
I’m a little obsessed with names… so I chose five for each gender, and I’m still second guessing myself – is this even my naming style?Β
For girls: Clara, Jane, Hazel, Lillie, Maude.
For boys: Theo, Frank, Edmund, Walter, Ben.
I’m skipping the 11 facts about myself, because this post is long enough as it is! I’m also opening this tag to anyone who wants to do it – so if you want to steal it for your blog, feel free! Anna and Victoria asked some great questions and they were definitely fun to answer. If you want to see all their questions, you can go to their blogs.
Hopefully I’ll be 100% back to blogging soon! I’m trying to figure some stuff out, so thanks for bearing with me.
Can you believe it’s nearly Christmas already and 2018 is almost over?
Merry Christmas ?
xx Zane
Joah Pearson
Hey Zane! Great post! Yes, it would be great to meet C.S. Lewis in heaven! I love his books.
Glad you’re back!!
Merry Christmas!
Zane Jones
Thank you, Joah!
Yes, C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors!
Merry Christmas!
Glad you’re back blogging! π This was a fun post! LOLOL! The awkward meeting with that guy! That was really more funny than awkward! Great post! Looking forward to you blogging again!
Zane Jones
Yes it was pretty awkward!! But also really funny….
Book Wyrm
It could be contemporary I’d you want it toβΊ. So you could keep it like you have, or edit it, if your real is answer is contemporary.
I used to hate Van Gogh when I was little, because my mother and older sister did, but I only hated him to fit in ?. Now that I am an artist myself, I know how much work went into to every painting, and, in fact, I am painting Starry Night for someone for Christmas! (If you’re interested in seeing it, I have a WIP highlight story on my art Instagram: @the_art_moth. This sounds like a self promo, but I’m just saying if you’re interested ??)
Das ist sehr toll! Ich lerne auch Deutsch! Es ist eine schΓΆne Sprache, ja??
Zane Jones
I love contemporary, but I also love historical eras too. I love all of them ?
Oh, haha! Sounds cool, I will have to check that out!
Yes, German is a beautiful language!
Debra Jones
Fun Post! I can think of another awkward story!!!
Zane Jones
Oh no ? I’m sure you can!
Mary H.
I randomly checked your blog just in case you had posted – and you had! It’s nice to see you back here, even if it’s just once. π I’d better follow you for the future, instead of just lurking, haha. π
I enjoyed your answers!
I love how it’s hard for you to pick a favorite time period. π Saaaaame. My top few are Revolutionary War, WWII, Roman Britain (thanks to Sutcliff), Anglo-Saxon England (Sutcliff’s fault again), and Vikings. Sadly, the latter three are rare, and it’s hard to find good books set in those eras. In case you wanted to know, Eagle of the Ninth is set around 175 A.D., and The Lantern Bearers is in the mid to late 400s, after the fall of the Roman Empire (but you likely figured that out).
And it’s sooooooo cool that you’re learning German! It’s an awesome language. π
Zane Jones
Aww, thank you, Mary!
I know!!! I just… I just love all of then! And thanks, because I am really bad with dates and I didn’t even pay attention to the time period. So that is helpful to know!
Yes! I love German, it’s so interesting. ?
Mary H.
Awww, yesss, I know!!! π If you ever want more books in your favorite time periods, I have recs for ones you'd like. π Though maybe you know about some of them already. (Like Jingo Django! It was one of those books that spurred me to look up clothing from that period, and I went on an awesome historical fashion bunny trail! That one was 1850s.)
Oh, that's okay! I love knowing when and where things happen, and it makes me feel grounded and solid, so i look it up and figure it out if I can. Even if there are only hints and clues to tell what year it is. With most of the Dolphin Ring books, I only know cause of author's notes or wikis. But I like knowing, and i need to know! π
Yes, it is! What teaching resource are you using? Learning German always makes me think of my favorite history prof, who is fluent and loves German history, and my cousin, who loves German and has learned quite a bit. And my little sister is very young, but she adores German and wants to learn it someday. She recently went through a phase of always saying, "danke." π
Zane Jones
Okay! Thank you!! Oh yes I really need to read Jingo Django, after hearing you and Allison rave over it it’s definitely something I want to read soon!
I like to know, I’m sometimes just too lazy to look it up especially if it’s not a time period I’m familiar with.
I’m using duolingo, which is pretty nice because it’s free and I only have to do a little each day. That’s really cool! And aww, your sister sounds so cute!! <333