• Life,  Tags

    Liebster Award 2018 (2x!)

    I was tagged to do this twice, by Victoria the first time and Anna the second time (both lovely bloggers!) towards the beginning/middle of the year and I’m just now getting around to doing it. Shame on me. At least I’m doing it before the end of the year this time. 😛 As usual I’m not following the rules, so I won’t even repost them. You can find them here if needed. The way I’m going to do this is pick six of the questions that each blogger asked me, because when I tried doing all of them the post was just too long. Anna’s questions 1.Describe yourself (as if…

  • Blogging,  Tags


    Hello all! I hope your* week’s been amazing and the weekend will be even better.   *Aaaand… we know I’m tired because I just used the wrong form of your. Thank goodness I can change things.   On to the post!   I was nominated for the Liebster Award by my dear friend Olivia at Important Nothings waaaaaaay back in December. She’s an AMAZING person and has a great blog that you should all go follow at once, after you finish reading this post, of course ;)… Really, it’s awful that I’ve taken so long to get around to it. Oh well. Can’t be helped now. *shrugs*   Also, I’m…

  • Tags

    Q + A! (sunshine blogger tag + blue sky tag)

    So, today I’m doing two tags from ages ago that really should have gotten done sooner but I went on hiatus right after I was tagged for them. :’) I was tagged for the Sunshine Blogger Tag by Lisa, and the Blue Sky Tag by Allison. Lisa tagged me in September, and Allison tagged me in *cringes* August. Thanks, girls! I do love tags, it’s just that I haven’t had much time to do them.   They both have summery names, so I guess it’s ironic I’m doing them in the middle of winter. Oh well…   But I’m doing them now, so that counts for something??   Here we…

  • Tags,  Uncategorized

    The Back to School Tag

    {photo source} HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE. I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful Sunday. (We’ve been busy this weekend, which is why this post is late! Way late. Sorry.) I am so excited about getting back to blogging, though, that I just couldn’t force myself to take the day off! Also, I wrote a few posts during my (lengthy) hiatus, and this is one of them. So, quite some time ago, I was tagged by the lovely Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger for the Back to School Tag. Obviously I’ve been on break, and haven’t been doing any new posts, but this is horribly overdue. (Yeah… it’s only three months after school started, ZANE…) So……

  • Tags

    The Interrogation Tag

    Hello everyone! Recently, Olivia at Important Nothings and I came up with questions to ask Emma at Real and Official Matters. She turned it into a tag, which is why I’m doing it now! Thanks for the tag, Olivia! Get to Know Me What are 3-5 little-known facts about yourself? Even though I love people and sometimes seem outgoing, I don’t like crowds or talking to more than a couple of people at once. I have broken every bone in my left arm and my right femur. Also, I’m pretty sure I broke my toe (right foot, next to my pinky toe), because it doesn’t bend anymore. Lovely, right? I read…