• Writing

    Beautiful People #26

    Hello, folks! It’s time yet again for Beautiful People, and *gasps* it’s not about my characters. It’s about me. Hey, hey, calm down. Don’t run screaming into the sunset yet. This wasn’t my idea. It was *ahem* these people (Cait and Sky, I’m looking at you). So don’t get mad at me, okay? Okay. Now that we’re not so furious about not being able to see into my characters’ lives (you have calmed down, right?… Right??), let’s look at the questions. How do you decide which project to work on? Hahaha. I don’t. An idea pops into my head and nags me until I write it down. So, my projects…

  • Writing

    camp nano update // week two

    I’m back, with another Nano update! Sorry this was a day late, but the weekend was busy. This week was fairly good for writing, and I upped my goal (again) to 16,000 words. My current word count is 6,786 words and according to the Nanowrimo website I’m right on track to finish by the end of July. Here’s my daily word counts. Saturday, July 8: 571 words. Sunday, July 9: 519 words. Monday, July 10: 838 words!!! The most words I’ve written in one day so far! 😀 Tuesday, July 11: 540 words. Went a bit over my word count goal, but it was harder to write because it was Cow Day…

  • Books,  Writing

    The #VoicesOfYA Tag

    Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a wonderful week. I was tagged by Lisa at Inkwell for the Voices of YA Tag (thanks Lisa!), which was created by Caitlin Lambert. You can find her original post here. ~RULES~ Thank the person who tagged you Link to the original creator Answer the ten questions Tag at LEAST two other YA writers/bloggers Share with the hashtag #VoicesofYA Which I won’t be following all of because I am a #rebel. I’m using a hashtag… that counts, right? Right??? Anyway, here are the questions!   What draws you to YA? In all honesty, I’ve only recently discovered YA. There are some things I like about…

  • Writing

    camp nano update // week one

    Hello all! Today I’m bring you an update on my Camp Nano progress. It’s been interesting so far, and I was lucky enough to be invited to a great cabin. I actually am making progress on my Snow White retelling, so that’s good. I’m still sworn to secrecy by my ultra-secret writing organization (if I told you I’d have to lock you up) not sharing details about my retelling yet, so this may or may not be a dull post. My writing goal for the month is currently 14,000 words, although I keep changing it. Compulsively. It’s weird. I’ll probably change it to 15,000 after I finish writing this post.…

  • Writing

    Author Interview with Kellyn Roth // Blog Tour

    I had the pleasure of interviewing Kellyn Roth, who is launching the new covers of her novels The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective. She’s a great author and a lot of fun to interview!  First, a bit about her.   Kellyn Roth was born and raised in the country outside a small town in North-Eastern Oregon. Ever since she could talk, she’s had a fascination with words, always coming up with songs, poems, and stories. Now a homeschooled highschooler, she spends her spare time penning historical novels, several of which have been published. Website · Blog · Newsletter · Facebook · Amazon · Goodreads     Let’s jump into the interview!   Welcome,…

  • Writing

    I’m Doing Camp Nanowrimo

    I wasn’t planning on doing Camp Nanowrimo. (If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically where you set a word count goal for yourself and try to meet it in one month. Mostly. Yup.) But then I heard about the Five Poisoned Apples writing contest and since fairy tale retellings are like one of my favorite things ever, I came up with a brilliant* idea. So, I’ll be writing my first draft during Camp and hopefully editing the whole mess before December… O_o *cue nervous laughter* *Brilliancy is in the eye of the beholder. The Association of Brilliant Authors (ABA) has not approved this statement. So, Jonathan at Fishing for Ideas had this idea to do…

  • Books,  Writing

    The Reluctant Godfather // blog tour

    I’m so pleased to be a part of the blog tour for The Reluctant Godfather, a newly released novella by the amazing Allison Tebo! It is my first blog tour ever, so let’s all pretend like I know what I’m doing and jump straight in.   About the Book A humorous and magical re-telling of Cinderella from a unique perspective. Burndee is a young and cantankerous fairy godfather, who would rather bake cakes than help humans. A disgrace to the fairy order, Burndee has only two wards entrusted to his care… a cinder girl and a charming prince. A royal ball presents Burndee with the brilliant solution of how to make…

  • Writing

    beautiful people // june edition

    I’m participating in the Beautiful People linkup again, and you can check it out here. In a nutshell, it’s where two bloggers (Cait from Paper Fury and Sky at Further Up and Further In) ask interview questions to help you get to know your characters better. It was monstrous fun last time (book reference!!), so I had to do it again, of course. I’ll be answering the questions with my character Ryker Kane from my current WIP Project Supernova. Ryker is fourteen years old, goes a high school that I haven’t named yet, and has a mostly normal life. He’s an average size, with dark brown hair, probably blue eyes, and pale skin. The features…

  • Writing

    Beautiful People // Parental Edition

    ^This picture has nothing whatsoever to do with the post ^ This is a link-up/meme/thing hosted by Paper Fury and Further Up and Further In. I rephrased the questions so it was more of an interview format (I hope that’s okay?), but you can see the original questions here. I’ll be doing it with two of my characters from my WIP Project Supernova. The main characters are: Ryker Kane. He’s fourteen years old, goes a high school that I haven’t named yet, and has a mostly normal life. He’s an average size, with dark brown hair, probably blue eyes, and pale skin. The features that stand out the most are the scars on his…

  • Writing

    My Writing Story

    I started writing seriously when I was ten or eleven. By seriously, I mean: I had a binder. And I wrote in it. How much more serious can you get? I had written a few stapled-together booklets (that were very heavily drawn from whatever book I was interested in) and illustrated them, but the urge to write – really write – struck at around age eleven. I think my writing interest had been sparked by a skinny American Girl book called Writing Smarts that appeared from I-don’t-know-where. (It’s out of print. I don’t really recommend it… If you want a good writing book for children, try this one.) I especially loved the mini character…