
Journaling no. 2

Oh hi! It’s your friendly neighborhood Zane who has been very busy but still manages to have her nose buried in a book 90% of the time*. Maybe this isn’t a proper post, but I thought perhaps some of you might like to see some pictures of my recent journaling adventures… not that I’ve had much time to devote to it, hehe.


*It’s getting late and when it’s late I start acting weird. Sorry dears.

(But really I have been getting a ridiculous amount of reading done. Mostly because I’m Neglecting Other Things and usually regret it later. Oh well.)


So here we go. Photo dump. Enjoy!


This is my current weekly spread, which is why it isn’t finished. I got the starry washi tape for my birthday and I’m in love <3

Emma, do you recognize that flower card? (I know you’re reading this.) (She gave it to me in a letter that cheered me up enormously.)


my sixteenth birthday pages – most of it is blocked out in case you’re wondering why the page is half empty! Personal Thoughts, dear people.


And a bit of news – I ventured into bookbinding for the very first time! Here’s a sneak peek of what I made. It’s a junky sort of journal with an old book cover and random assorted pages that I’m going to use it to tape my typewritten short stories into. Perhaps I’ll do a flip-through.


ahh I’m so happy with it


And that’s all I have time to say. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!


So that was a strangely short post but it’ll have to do. Is anyone interested in seeing the inside of my new journal? I maaaaay be thinking about making a video. No promises. (:


xx Zane

I'm Zane Jones, a young creative trying to figure life out. I make messes and sometimes art.


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